Understanding the dosage of CaniFlow Hyaluronic Acid for dogs

Understanding the dosage of CaniFlow Hyaluronic Acid for dogs


NOTE: Since this article was written we have updated our advice regarding starting CaniFlow:   Our new advice is to start and continue on twice a day CaniFlow until owners are happy with the support provided, at which point they can gradually reduce how much they give.


A key feature of CaniFlow is that it’s a liquid which confers some benefits:

  • It’s more rapidly absorbed than solids
  • It’s easy to hide in food or syringe into your dog’s mouth, and,
  • The amount you give your dog is easily adjustable

Indeed the research suggests that the support conferred by Hyaluronic Acid is highly dose-dependent, but why would you need to adjust how much you give and when should you?  Here are 3 scenarios you might face which would warrant a change in dose.


Joint inflammation isn’t constant, it waxes and wanes dependent on things like how much exercise your dog’s done, the kind of exercise they did versus what they’re used to,  a change in weather conditions, sleeping somewhere different or sometimes for no apparent reason they woke up today barely able to move one or other leg.

These episodes are called flare-ups and they are characterised by much greater pain, soreness and inflammation than normal.  In these instances, if your dog is already on pain relief they may need a higher dose than normal or other medicines added into their regime, albeit only briefly.  You can also increase the amount of CaniFlow you give to allow for the increased turnover of Hyaluronic Acid in the joints during these periods.

If you can anticipate a flare-up then you can increase their CaniFlow allowance before you see any signs.  Going for a long holiday walk? Then double up their CaniFlow for 2 to three days before and after!

When introducing CaniFlow

We recommend 10 days of twice daily CaniFlow followed by once a day thereafter when starting supplementation.  Most owners feel this is sufficient support but there are some dogs that may need more CaniFlow for longer. Perhaps their Hyaluronic Acid levels have been severely depressed by chronic joint soreness or they have more than one affected joint or maybe they don’t absorb HA very well.

After the first month, if you feel your dog could do with more support then increasing the frequency of CaniFlow back to twice a day may provide greater support to those dogs that need it.  Continue on twice a day dosing until you feel that your dog is well supported by CaniFlow.

Unfortunately, not all dogs respond to HA supplementation despite clinical signs similar to dogs that do and it’s very hard to decide when enough is enough.  We recommend an initial course of at least 6 weeks but we also have feedback that it has taken longer, the current record is 12 weeks.


Long-term use

Joint stiffness and soreness is expected to get worse as your dog ages and, especially if you’ve started CaniFlow early,  you should expect to give more over CaniFlow over time to counteract the progression of their stiffness.  Whilst CaniFlow supplementation provides joint health support, frequently the underlying mechanisms, whether that be mild dysplasia, severe cartilage wear and tear or previous damage or surgery, cannot be completely neutralised and ultimately your dog’s soreness and stiffness will continue to develop over time, albeit perhaps more slowly.

There are also occasions when CaniFlow can be reduced; if you are successful at reducing your dog’s weight,  or you become accustomed to the things that exacerbate their stiffness to be able to anticipate them, or even when the weather improves in the summer months then less CaniFlow support may be required. 

How much and how frequently should I change how much CaniFlow I give?

I recommend giving CaniFlow more frequently initially rather than increasing a once daily dose. This is because HA is metabolised quite quickly by the body and so increased support is achieved better by giving CaniFlow twice a day if you aren’t already.  If you wish to increase the dose further then I recommend increasing each dose by 25% no more often that once a week.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out and ask!


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1 comment

Myself & my husband bought Caniflow after I found out about it on social media. I did my research and decided that it would be a good alternative to medication from the vets.
Our Husky ‘Storm’ is 8 yrs old now and we found we couldn’t take her very far for a walk or a day at the beach without her limping for days afterwards. I decided to try caniflow to see if the symptoms eased before going to the vets.
And I’m so happy to say that after Storm taking Caniflow now for about 6/8 wks she’s loving her walks again, she still has a slight limp but not to the extent that she was unable to even walk properly. It makes me so happy to see her moving around again and playing with her 2 sisters.
Thankyou Caniflow for easing Storms symptoms.

Julie Bull-Upton

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